Monday, June 29, 2020

Imagery in Enuma Elish Essay - 550 Words

Imagery in Enuma Elish (Essay Sample) Content: NameInstructorCourseDateImagery in Enuma ElishIntroductionEnuma Elish is a poem which dates back to the second millennium with its being rich in literature. It is an epic piece of writing set in Babylon telling the story of the universe and how it came to exist with the suffering and struggles of the gods during such dramatic times of violence . First and foremost , the creation aspect as portrayed in the poem with regard to the first and second creation accounts where God simply spoke words and the creation took place in an abstract manner (King 76). This leaves a lot to be desired for in away an abstract picture of surprise is created in the readers mind and the comprehension of the same is possible when the reader sets a mind in the spirit world where things happen miraculously. Then in reference to the second account ,it is vividly seen that God sat down and actually used his hands to mould Adam and out of him , He then made Eve. God at this moment comes out i n a capacity of a craftsman. This creates a picture of a supernatural being expected to be spiritual but does things that only physical humans can do (King 102).The initial myth of creation shown in the story, Tiamat and Apu put together waters and this comes finally at the emergence of Ea. Consequently, Ea is escalated and elevated above many gods and this marks the end of the very initial part of the epic and rise of the bombardment and conflicts between the gods. This as portrayed creates a picture of gods who act like humans and pick up quarrels as well (King 110). It is actually believed that there are things that could not exist in heaven. The gods here are a representation of all that happen in the cosmos. Mixing the two waters makes the whole mixture become salty and this explains very much the supremacy battle between Tiamat and Apu. The former is deemed more powerful because her water seems to carry bout the day by being drinkable as well. Such conflicts create a pictu re of the normal wars experienced in the human population.That may not suffice the symbolism usage if mankind being a servant of the gods is not anything to go by. Madruk has to take up the creation work at the death of Tiamat. When the latter passes on, Madruk takes her corpse and comes creates the world out of it. This portrays him as a better creator that Tiamat. It is then realized that godà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s man creates mankind who w...

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