Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Analysis Of Samuel Beckett s Waiting For Godot Essay

â€Å"Let s go. We can t. Why not? We re waiting for Godot.† (Beckett 332), one of the most famous lines from Beckett’s â€Å"Waiting for Godot†. Samuel Beckett is a renowned writer of his time. Although most people still question his work, he did much in the reinvention of various genres. As most people would say, Beckett lived a creative life. He was a humorist, poet, and novelist and later turned to theater director. Many authors have written works analyzing Beckett’s work. Our articles of focus are â€Å"Gogo, Didi, and the absent Godot† by Benard Dukore and â€Å"Waiting for Godot† by Richard Begam. Dukore reads it from a religious point of view and the immoral universe. The other writer, Begam interprets the play from a philosophical point of view. This paper analyses both Benard Dukore and Richard Begam’s similarities and differences of writings in comparison to Beckett’s One unusual distinction between the two writings i s the center of the argument, analysis, and criticism. Dukore weaves his argument into human futility, nature, religion and the influence and meanings of character names. Begam, on the other hand, concentrates more on what happens on stage while playing Beckett’s play. What is surprising is that most analysts hold the view that nothing happens in that play. Moreover, Begam analyses deeply the language and literacy techniques used in the play by comparing with other authors’ opinions of the play. It is essential to sink a little bit deeper into analyzing howShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Samuel Beckett s Waiting For Godot Essay1767 Words   |  8 PagesTheatre is a complex art that attempts to weave stories of varying degrees of intricacies with the hope that feelings will be elicited from the audience. Samuel Beckett’s most famous work in the theatre world, however, is Waiting for Godot, the play in which, according to well-known Irish critic Vivian Mercier, â⠂¬Å"nothing happens, twice.† Beckett pioneered many different levels of groundbreaking and avant-garde theatre and had a large influence on the section of the modern idea of presentational theatreRead MoreAnalysis Of Samuel Beckett s Waiting For Godot 1378 Words   |  6 Pageswithout being controlled or stopped. Freedom is the power to act, speak, and think without any hindrance. In Samuel Beckett’s, â€Å"Waiting for Godot,† freedom is one of the main issues throughout the story. Characters are unable to think for themselves, they are being controlled by other character, and they are unable to move about freely. Samuel Beckett’s concept of freedom in â€Å"Waiting for Godot† is being portrayed through the characters of Vladimir, Estragon, Pozzo, and Lucky. Each character is imprisonedRead MoreAnalysis Of Samuel Beckett s Waiting For Godot 1950 Words   |  8 Pagesof time and place in Samuel Beckett’s (1906–1989) Waiting for Godo t (1948) and Salah Abdel Sabour’s (1931–1981) The Princess Waits (Al-Amira Tantazer) (1969). It is an attempt to compare the two plays with regard to the absurd features of time and place with reference to the aspects of the absurd theatre. The reasons for selecting these two plays in particular are: firstly, both plays share the process of waiting which is directly connected with the time and place of waiting; secondly, Abdel SabourRead MoreAnalysis Of Samuel Beckett s Waiting For Godot1667 Words   |  7 PagesBeen Damned Absence of Reason in Religion in Waiting for Godot At first glance, Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, appears to be an unavailing, pointless play whose only purpose is for comic relief. It is filled with off-topic conversations and awkward silences that seem to show no correlation. However, when the confusing plot is analyzed, it is revealed that the play is an analogy of the futility of religion. The use of language in Waiting for Godot serves to illustrate the theme that religionRead MoreAnalysis Of Samuel Beckett s Waiting For Godot871 Words   |  4 PagesWaiting for Godot, a tragicomedy written in two acts, was written by Samuel Beckett in 1949. The plot of the play revolves around two main characters, Vladimir and Estragon, who wait in hope to meet someone or something named ‘Godot.’ While on the other hand, there is Pozzo and Lucky who appear venturing on the country road. Beckett uses the characters in Waiting for Godot to embody specific meanings to their relationships and how it may parallel to the wo rld as people know it. Vladimir and EstragonRead MoreSamuel Beckett s Waiting For Godot2241 Words   |  9 Pages1429631 17/02/2015 Literature Endgame, Samuel Beckett and Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett The vogue for Beckett started with the success of Waiting for Godot which was produced in Paris in 1953. It was his first play apart from one, Eleutheria, written in 1947 which was never published or performed. In 1946, Samuel Beckett wrote Mercier et Camier which according to Ronald Hayman in his critic essay entitled Contempory playrights Samuel Beckett show how the dialogue of the male coupleRead MoreSamuel Becket May Be A Far-Famed Author World Health Organization1750 Words   |  7 PagesSamuel Becket may be a far-famed author World Health Organization introduced the thought of absurdity, nothingness, nihilism and meaninglessness of life. He diagrammatical the absurdity within the lifetime of the individuals. He believed that life is during a circular kind, from wherever it starts, at an equivalent purpose it ends. there s no thought of faith no ethical values, no thought of your time and area in absurdity. Absurdity may be a word that may be explained by reasoning but the f aultRead MoreViolation Of The Maxims Of Cooperative Principle7912 Words   |  32 PagesPrinciple in Samuel Beckett’s Selected Plays. Research Student Mr. Mundhe Ganesh Balavantrao Research Guide Dr. B. A. Jarange Place of Research Institute of Advanced Studies in English, Pune CONTENTS 1) Introduction 2) Rationale of the Study 3) Hypothesis 4) Review of the Research Work 5) Aims and Objectives of the Research Project 6) Data, Methodology and Techniques 7) Plan of Thesis I) Chapter – I (Introduction) II) Chapter – II (Theoretical Framework) III) Chapter – III (Analysis of theRead MoreSamuel Beckett s Waiting For Godot, Endgame, And Not I2331 Words   |  10 Pagesmeaning in a chaotic and uncaring world, and to the playwright Samuel Beckett it is no different. In the works Waiting for Godot, Endgame, and Not I, Samuel Beckett uses elements of nihilism, pessimism, and absurdity to find humor in day-to-day existence, as well as the relationships between the self and others. Before one can analyze Beckett’s work, one must first understand the meanings of nihilism, pessimism, and absurdity in regard to Beckett himself. Nihilism is a term often attributed to inactionRead MoreAN ANALYSIS PAPER ON ANTON CHEKHOV’S THE SEAGULL AND THE CHERRY ORCHARD12092 Words   |  49 PagesHigh School Department A.Y. 2013-2014 In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements In English IV AN ANALYSIS PAPER ON ANTON CHEKHOV’S THE SEAGULL AND THE CHERRY ORCHARD Submitted to: Mrs. Joneth D. Vibar Submitted by: Vincent del Castillo IV-St.Francis of Assisi Outline of Analysis 1 Author’s Style 1.1 Anton Chekhov as a Playwright and Author of Short Stories 1.1.1 Russia’s best known Modern Playwright 1.1.1

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Friedman Family Assessment Free Essays

Friedman Family Assessment Darla Lauer NUR/405 August 27, 2012 Beth Edwards, MSN, FNP – BC Friedman Family Assessment The following is a study of a family using the Friedman Family Assessment. â€Å"Public health nurses must have skills to move competently between working with individual families, bridge relationships between families and the community, and advocate for family and community legislating and influence policies that promote and protect the health of populations† (Stanhope Lancaster, 2008, p. 600). We will write a custom essay sample on Friedman Family Assessment or any similar topic only for you Order Now Identifying Data and Composition The personal identifying information such as full name, address, and phone number are not used so the family’s identity remains confidential. The assessment of the family revealed a complex system. This is a nuclear/blended family with traditional male/female roles. Each spouse has two children from previous marriages. Those children are grown, married with children, and live in different cities. They share a son aged 12. Each member brings his or her own expectations to the group. Their dress, eating habits, and health views are typical of middle-class American. They eat three main meals a day with snacks and are very cognizant of caloric balance. LB states that she has a regular appetite but, she also states that she has lost 51 pounds this past year. Her current weight is 169 pounds and she is 5 foot 7 inches. LB has a body mass index (BMI) of 25. 5, which is overweight, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (â€Å"Centers For Disease Control And Prevention†, n. d. ). JB is 5 foot 9 inches and 190 pounds. AB is 5 foot 5 inches and 110 pounds. They see the doctor every two to three months a year as instructed for health check-ups. The ethnic makeup of the family members shows LB is white, born, and reared in New York. JB is Hispanic, born, and reared in Puerto Rico. AB is White/Hispanic, born, and reared in Orlando, FL. They state their religious preference is Catholic, but rarely attend formal church. LB has a diploma degree and works as a registered nurse. JB is a mechanic and has a twelfth-grade educational level, attained in Puerto Rico. AB is attending 7th grade at Deltona Middle School. According to â€Å"The New York Times† (n. d. ), this family is â€Å"upper-middle class† (Class Matters A Special Section). LB likes to cook, breed German Shepherd dogs, and read. She is actively involved in the Democratic Party and has met President Obama several times. JB likes to watch sports or work on his project restoration car. AB is involved in baseball and many days are spent at practice or games. Developmental State and History of Family This household is presently in Friedman’s fourth stage of development, family with school aged children. The â€Å"Family developmental and life cycle theory explains and predicts the changes that occur to families and its members over time† (Stanhope Lancaster, 2008, p. 10). The main tasks of concern in this family is to socialize the shared child, including promoting school achievement and fostering of healthy peer relations of the child. The other tasks for this stage are maintaining a satisfying marital relationship and meeting the physical health needs of family members (Friedman, 1998). The family appears to be accomplishing their tasks well and will soon transition to Friedman’s fifth state of development. At the present time, LB is in fairly good health, she has lost weight and her rheumatoid arthritis is well maintained. She takes Methotrexate 25 mg PO weekly. JB is in good health except for high blood pressure that is maintained on medication, He takes Amlodipine-Benaz 10/40 mg 1 po qd and Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg po 1 qd. LB and JB share family chores such as laundry and the cooking. AB has chores assigned such as taking out the trash, yard work, and he is responsible for his room and his bathroom. LB was born in America on July14, 1962 to Italian American parents. JB was born in Puerto Rico on March 28, 1963, and his one surviving parent, mother, still resides in Puerto Rico. LB completed high school in New York and went on to complete a diploma nursing program in 1987. She was married once previously and has two grown children from that marriage. JB completed high school in Puerto Rico, moved to the United States when he was 24. He was married once previously and has two grown children from that marriage. He works as a mechanic. AB is presently in 7th grade. Environmental Data The family’s home was built in 1985 and is 2500 sq. ft. and is one level. Entering through the front door, the main living room, dining, and kitchen area are viewable. It is an open floor plan with the bedrooms all on one side of the house. There are four bedrooms and two and a half baths. A bedroom is an office for both LB and JB. The entire flooring structure is tile. They are on the city water. There are two dogs in the home. There are functioning carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors in the house. The house is very neat, clean, and organized. They live in a suburban neighborhood; the closest neighbor is within 100 feet. The closest relatives they see on a regular basis are JB’s mother who visits once a year. Otherwise, they rely on friends and neighbors for support. The closest hospital is approximately ten minutes away and the local fire and police stations are approximately five minutes away. While there is crime in the area, it is usually small time theft as reported by LB and JB. The atmosphere of the neighborhood is of an older development. The neighborhood is clean, well maintained, and children can be seen playing in the yards. LB and JB moved to this present location 20 years ago. Before that they lived separately. LB, JB, and AB are busy and spend most of their free time at home. Both parents are active with AB’s baseball team and LB is the team mom. JB fills in as an assistant coach when needed. Family Structure and Functions Communication patterns in the family are open. LB and JB are open, honest, and have a good sense of humor regarding their marriage, previous marriages, children, and outlook on life. LB and JB are knowledgeable about each others’ illnesses. The values the family possesses are hard work, open, and define themselves spiritually as Catholics, however, non-practicing. LB and JB state they share all decisions with regard to home, children, and finances. LB manages the banking and budget. LB sets the menu, and grocery shopping is done together. They share the cooking for dinner and state that they generally eat dinner together as a family. Affective and socialization functions in this family are normal. LB and JB provide the care and love best suited to teach AB the skills, values, and norms of society and their subculture. Affection is displayed by hugging, touching, and verbalization. The health of the family is the very important to LB and JB. LB oversees all of this as she is a nurse. Health is seen as managing their chronic disease processes, staying fit, and eating healthy. LB does not smoke, however, JB admits to smoking intermittently with either a cigarette or cigar. He reports always smoking outside the home. The entire family receives regularly recommended vaccines. LB has increased her exercise regimen and joined a gym. Though not overweight, JB rarely exercises. AB is very active and normal 12 year-old. Dental health has not been a priority for the adult family members though they report that AB has had regular dental check-ups and cleaning completed. Family Stress and Coping The family together advised me that there are no major stresses right now. LB and JB both verbalize concern over economics and the future of their jobs and ability to maintain their lifestyle should the economic outlook worsen for the country. LB also verbalizes her concern that her rheumatoid arthritis that has caused some joint deformity could worsen. She notices a change in the fine motor skill of her hands and strength. AB states he worries his team is not going to win their division. Both parents indicate that they routinely sit down with AB and discuss what is going on in school and in his life in general. The family indicates that they have family round table discussions concerning any major issues. The family respectfully listened and used good conversation skills without attacking each other throughout the interview. Family Nursing Diagnoses The priority nursing diagnosis for this family is impaired dentition related to ineffective oral hygiene as evidenced by LB and JB’s gum erosion, missing teeth, and discoloration of enamel. Another nursing diagnosis is impaired physical mobility related to musculoskeletal impairment as evidenced by LB’s joint malformation, complaints of decreased fine motor skill, and strength. A third diagnosis is ineffective airway clearance related to smoke inhalation as evidenced by JB’s verbalization of smoking (Ladwig Ackley, 2011). Community Health Nursing Interventions For the priority nursing diagnosis, one intervention is to recommend LB and JB see a dentist as soon as possible. Recommend using a rotation oscillation power toothbrush for removal of dental plaque two to three times a day. Another intervention is to ascertain the family’s present knowledge of dental hygiene and educate family on proper mechanics of brushing teeth, the use of floss, and brushing the tongue. A third intervention, recommending that the family continue to eat a balanced diet and limit simple sugars and carbonated sodas. It is imperative that a nurse complete a thorough assessment on all clients. â€Å"Using excellent communication skills, nurses help families determine the priority of issues they are confronting, identify their needs, and develop a plan of action. Family members are experts in their own health† (Stanhope Lancaster, 2008, p. 612). References Centers for disease control and prevention. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. cdc. gov Friedman, M. M. (1998). Family Nursing. (4th ed. ) Stanford, CT: Appleton Lange. Ladwig, G. B. , Ackley, B. J. (2011). Mosby’s Guide to Nursing Diagnosis (3rd ed. ). Maryland Heights, MO: Mosby Elsevier. Stanhope, M. , Lancaster, J. (2008). Public Health Nursing: Population-centered health care in the community (8th ed. ). Maryland Heights, MO: Elsevier. The New York Times. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. nytimes. com How to cite Friedman Family Assessment, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Cyber Bullying Increasing Rapidly in Singapore †Free Samples

Question: Is Cyber Bullying Becoming A Social Ill Day By Day? Answer: Brief of the interview In this section a brief of an important interview of the C.E.O of the leading newspaper corporation located in Singapore. This interview was broadcast in the New Asia Channel of Singapore as the topic of the interview is a very sensitive one regarding the cyber-bullying that is increasing rapidly in Singapore. Statistics of the issue The interviewee stated that it is statistically proven that 1 out of every 4 students of Singapore has faced cyber bullying and that has harmed their way of living the life. Under the supervision of Mr. Zhang Wei, who is the interviewee, a team of 12 people did a series of interviews of the students of Singapore and did a thorough survey regarding this burning issue. After the investigation, some horrible facts were revealed and the team was shocked to see that currently the 1/3rd of the student population of Singapore has faced cyber bullying at least once in their student life and the rate of facing such issues are more for the students of primary schools and that is more shocking (Barlett et al 2014). Root cause To find the cause it was revealed that the issue is more deep-rooted than it was predicted. It was seen that, the victims of cyber bullying suffer badly but the people who bullies others are actually going through a huge mental turmoil and that leads them to engage in such practices. The suicide rate of these bullies are actually 2 to 3 times more than the victims of cyber bullying and this is a fact that is worth putting in some stress on it. To do the research work it was seen that the rate of suicides among the teenagers and the young adults are higher than most of the South-East Asian countries. Mr. Wei added that it is not rare that the friends influenced some individuals to bully someone and to prove himself sometimes some students bully others using the cyber platform and these kinds of activities needs to be stopped and parents should invest more time with their kids to monitor their activities especially at the time of adolescence as that is the most vulnerable phase of any child. Initiatives of government Considering these issues government of Singapore has passed a law regarding cyber bullying and that explained that if the inappropriate contents from the internet will be taken down and the uploader will be penalized according to the severity of their actions. After implementing the law it is seen that rate of cyber bullying has gone down and that is where the success of implementing the new law lies (Kwan and Skoric, 2013). Speech Director of Ministry of Education on Cyber bullying, a burning issue of Singapore At the graduation ceremony of reputed Queens College of Singapore, Mr. Shengwah Kagawa, the director of Ministry of Education of Singapore was invited and he gave a speech regarding the burning contemporary issue of cyber bullying that is majorly affecting the students off Singapore. He said that recently the rate of cyber bullying was enhanced in a significant manner and the rate was alarming for the government. In many cases the victims of cyber bullying committed suicide and they have suffered badly. This issue raised a few questions among the parents and they have signed a petition urging for an amendment in the rules and regulations regarding this issue (Holt, Chee and Bossler 2013). He added that after considering the situation parliament have passed a new law and the new law became much stricter than the previous one. It was seen that after implementing the law the rate of cyber bullying actually decreased significantly (Teh 2014). After that the ministry of education has deci ded that in the schools the pupils should be taught the negative impact of the cyber bullying so that they do not get engaged in such practices. Kagawa added that in the last academic year almost 70 pupils committed suicide and out of them 50 to 55 were the victims of cyber bullying and 10 to 15 individuals were engaged in cyber bullying activities. It is a matter of fact that cyber bullying has become a social ill in the land of Singapore and the government has to step forward to eradicate such social ill from the society. Kagawa said that the parents need to give more time to their wards in order to keep them away from all sorts of provocations to get diverted from their goals. The parents and the management of the primary and secondary schools should be aware of the fact that no student should be exposed in front of any form of cyber bullying and if any student is seen suffering from these issues the issues must be resolved right away before it becomes serious (Ang, Huan and Flor ell, 2014). The laws against cyber bullying is now more strict than ever and this is helping the situation, but the fact is one should not stay relaxed depending upon the rules and regulations and a proper awareness regarding the issue must be raised. Considering this situation, the ministry of education has decided to deploy a team of 10 people who would supervise the educational institutions and will check online forums regarding this social ill. While concluding his speech, Kagawa said that by spreading the news regarding the cyber bullying and incessantly broadcasting these issues on social media and national TV might help the situation. Lastly he added that along with the teachers and parents the students should be aware of this issue and if they face any sort of cyber bullying they should report to the higher authorities. References Ang, R.P., Huan, V.S. and Florell, D., 2014. Understanding the relationship between proactive and reactive aggression, and cyberbullying across United States and Singapore adolescent samples.Journal of interpersonal violence,29(2), pp.237-254. Holt, T.J., Chee, G., Ng, E.A.H. and Bossler, A.M., 2013. Exploring the consequences of bullying victimization in a sample of Singapore youth.International Criminal Justice Review,23(1), pp.25-40. Bhat, C.B. and Ragan, M.A., 2013. Cyberbullying in Asia. . Hinduja, S. and Patchin, J.W., 2014.Bullying beyond the schoolyard: Preventing and responding to cyberbullying. Corwin Press. Kwan, G.C.E. and Skoric, M.M., 2013. Facebook bullying: An extension of battles in school.Computers in Human Behavior,29(1), pp.16-25. Singhal, P. and Bansal, A., 2013. Improved textual cyberbullying detection using data mining.International Journal of Information and Computation Technology,3(6), pp.569-576. Teh, M.K., 2014. Principals and Legal Risks: Contrasting Perspectives. Barlett, C.P., Gentile, D.A., Anderson, C.A., Suzuki, K., Sakamoto, A., Yamaoka, A. and Katsura, R., 2014. Cross-cultural differences in cyberbullying behavior: A short-term longitudinal study.Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology,45(2), pp.300-313.